• Reference
  • Title
    Assignment of term of trust to attend the inheritance between 1) Edmund Barron Evans, gent of John Street, Bedford Row, London 2) John Elger, builder of South Street, Grosvenor Square, Middx a) close of pasture in St Paul Bedford lately 2 closes contiguous with each other but formerly one close called Bourden Barn Close and since called Harding's Close, containing (including the ditches on the west and south sides) 7 ac 3r 24p, now & for many years past occ by Revd Dr Brereton, Clerk, lying E by Key Lane or Water Lane, W by Corn Close, on part of S on ground leased by (1) to Joseph Trapp, remaining S by part of Water Close also free way at all times for all purposes over the piece of ground which since 1833 has been a road to the premises The property subject to the residue of 500 years is assigned to Theed Pearse on trust for JE to make the residue subservient to the freehold Recites Mortgage 1763 Recites Lease & release 1765 Recites Release 1842 between 1) JG, HW, EG & SR 2) WK and A his wife 3) JE 4) Isaac Elger Recites death of Richard Leach 5 February 1809 and burial at Old Meeting, Bedford but no letters of administration were granted Recites letters of administration granted 1843 on the residue of the term of 500 years only, to (1) Witnesses: J Henry Hearn Ryde, IoW, Solr.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1763 To: 1843
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