Farms in Clapham
The Green Farm
Memorandum of Agreement
(i)Bertram, Earl of Ashburnham
(ii)John Crisp, Clapham, farmer
(i) agrees to let and (ii) to take
- messuage and farm
- land belonging (387a 2r 31p)
In Clapham
Reserving to (i) all timber and right of hunting over the land
Term - 1 year from 29 September next
Rent - £476 pa
No sub-letting without consent
(ii) will not convert any old meadow or pasture land into arable without permission
To crop land according to four course husbandry
(ii) to do repairs and maintain the property
(i) to pay for any underdraining done by (ii) i.e complete cost paid for uncropped land, 2/3rds of cost for land from which one crop has been taken, 1/3rd for twice cropped land
Term can be determinated at end of first or any subsequent year by giving 6 months notice
Signature of Lambt Hotchkiss
Date free text
22 Jul 1841
Production date
From: 1841 To: 1841
Level of description