• Reference
  • Title
    Deed i) Jn Osbourn, Harrold, labourer and w. Ann ii) Wm Clark, Harrold, barber & w. Susan Reciting that Thos Agutter of Harrold and w. Ann by conveyance by lease and release dated 20 Mar 1693 sold to Richard Low of Stevington, grazier and his w. Ann ... messuage or tenement with yard in the West End of Harrold, Mr. Farrer E, Dr. Reynolds N and W, and the common street S, formerly in the occupation of Anthony Lucas, and Reciting that (i) are the heirs and executors of Rich and Ann Low Deed of Partition between (i) and (ii) (i) are to have ... the west end of the house, the chamber over it, a bay of barn at the west end, a piece of garden adjoining to the north side of the barn measuring 11 poles (ii) are to have ... the east part of the house called the parlour with the chamber over it, the north part of the orchard, 11 poles, and part of the garden on the south side near the street.
  • Date free text
    6 June 1741
  • Production date
    From: 1741 To: 1741
  • Loan status
    WDRAWNpermanently withdrawn
  • Level of description