• Reference
  • Title
    Assignment of two several mortgages (Quadrupartite) 1 Henry Fleming, Bedford, gent (mortgagor) 2 Martha Leith, Bedford, widow (mortgagor) 3 Mary Wagstaff, Blunham, Widow of Wm Wagstaff, late of Ravensden, gent deceased (mortgagee) 4 Elizabeth Rudd, Weybridge, Surrey, widow (mortgagee) Recites: X631/6 in summary Recites: X631/7 Whereas Wm Wagstaff died intestate leaving his son William heir a minor of 13 yrs, soon after the making of X 631/7. Mary Wagstaff has since paid to Henry Fleming £287 10s principal and £21 10 3d interest, totalling £309 3d Witnesseth in consideration of £309 3d paid by Elizabeth Rudd to Henry Fleming, all premises mentioned to the use of Elizabeth Rudd for residue of term of 1000 years and granted to her the annual rent charge of £15 payable during the natural life of Mary Wagstaff. Also Whereas William Wagstaff deceased did borrow of George Read, Bedford, baker £20 and as security by indenture of 16 May 1730 conveyed unto George Read is executors and assigns said premises for 1000 years and the term to be void on payment of £20 5s on 16 August 1730. And Whereas the said £20 5s was not repaid And Whereas after the death of said William Wagstaff the father, George Read by indenture of 24 September 1734 in consideration £22 6s 8d of principal and interest did assign to Martha Leith the same premises for the remainder of the term of 1000 years. And Whereas The sum £22 6s 8d is now due to Martha Leith, plus £3 14s 4d making £26 1s Further Witnesseth Martha Leith in consideration of £26 1s paid by Elizabeth Rudd grant all premises for remainder of 1000 years to said Mary Wagstaff and said Mary Wagstaff in consideration of £7 18s 9d paid by Elizabeth Rudd towards the money by her the said Mary Wagstaff paid in discharge of interest money to said Henry Fleming since the death of William Wagstaff and towards the charges and expenses removing the respective securities from the said Thomas Brown to the said Henry Fleming and from him to Elizabeth Rudd. Elizabeth Rudd to have the annual rent charge of £15. Provided always said Mary Wagstaff and William Wagstaff jnr heirs and assigns shall pay to Elizabeth Rudd £343 at 4% pa upon 11 Aug next [1738] upon which the indenture shall be null and void Signed and sealed: Hen, Fleming, Martha Leith, Mary Wagstaff Witnesses: Joseph Ravens, Thomas Dockerill, Charles Walker
  • Date free text
    11 February 1737/8
  • Production date
    From: 1737 To: 1738
  • Level of description