• Reference
  • Title
    Lease and release i) Richard Smith, St Albans, Herts, draper, and wife, Mary (niece of Mary Capon, widow, deceased) ii) Thomas Creed, senior, Chesham, Bucks, auctioneer iii) John Stone, Leighton Buzzard, draper consideration - £158 paid to i) by ii) i) release to ii) (in his actual possession by virtue of a lease for a year) - messuage in Leighton Buzzard late in occupation of Richard Henry Heurtley and now of Richard Creed - shop adjoining formerly in occupation of Thomas Dagnall and now of John Martin, bookseller W William Kempster,barber E Leah Firth, widow of William Firth S common street next the Market Place - barn being the furthermost barn from said messuage leading northwards to Friday lane, and now in occupation of William Kempster - small bit of ground near said barn W timber yard of Thomas Price E & N lane leading to Friday lane S ground leading to messuage in occupation of John Kempster, tailor, and William Kempster in length 9ft in breadth (at S end) 7ft (at N end) 3ft and intended for a dunghole - small piece of garden ground belonging to said messuage and lying near said small bit of ground W ground and garden of Mr Deverell S ground and garden of Thomas Price N ground and garden in occupation of William Kempster E lane leading to Friday Lane - houses, barns, cellars,shops, workhouses etc, rights of piccage and placing and setting of pens or folds before front of said messuage, yards, gardens, orchards, water-courses etc - liberty of ingress, egress and regress and quiet passage for ii) to pass from pump standing between above messuage and one in occupation of William and John Kempster, and to take water from the pump - liberty for ii) to pass through the backyard of the said messuage in occupation of William and John Kempster from Friday lane ii) to pay half of charges of keeping pump and bridge at end of said backyard in repair and also half the charge of keeping watercourse running from pump to common street in good repair to use of ii) or iii) in trust for ii) i) covenants to levy fine of the premises cont is agreed between the parties that anyone who is interested in the premises for any term of years in trust for Emor Firth shall hold them from henceforth in trust for ii) signatures of all endorsed receipt witnesses Wm Brewer David Willis T S Wood.
  • Date free text
    20/21 Dec 1797
  • Production date
    From: 1797 To: 1797
  • Level of description