• Reference
  • Title
    Marriage settlement i) Ellen Maria Cooper, Ipswich, Suffolk, spinster ii) George Downes, Bedford, photographer iii) Charles Edward Prior, Bedford, Esquire, M.D.; Mark Whyley, Bedford, Esquire Under the will of John Cooper, late of Nacton, Suffolk, deceased, dated 14 March, 1850 (proved, Suffolk, on 11 June 1850) i), as one of children of late father, George Cooper, is entitled on decease of Lucy Johnson to part of funds set apart in names of Charles Thomas Cooper and William Johnson, the executors of said will for purposes of said annuity to Lucy Johnson, and which consist of £3701 17s 1d 3% Consols standing in names of C T Cooper and William Johnson. By deed of 12 June 1852 between Charles Waldegrave Batteley and wife Louisa Clara with E M Cooper, said E M Cooper is also entitled to another part of said funds Marriage has been agreed between i) and ii) Now i) with consent of ii) grants to iii) - premises as in deed of 24 December 1868 on trust for i) until the marriage. To be sold after her death Also i) with consent of ii) assigns to iii) - her interests in £3701 17s 1d 3% Consols Various powers of investment given Interest, dividends and income to be paid to i) for life for her sole and separate use. After her death, as provided in will, otherwise in trust for Charles Waldegrave Batteley, Waldegrave Cooper Batteley and Ellen Batteley in equal shares as tenants in common Said premises to be primary fund for repayment of mortgage debt and annuity Shall be permissible for iii) after death of i) or in her lifetime with her consent, to raise any part, not exceeding å of share of W C Battely for his preferment, benefit or advancement Power to appoint new trustees Signatures of all endorsed witnesses John H Josselyn, solicitor, Ipswich; J P Piper, solicitor, Bedford 10 September 1869 also endorsed with: Appointment of new trustees a) Ellen Maria Downes, wife of George Downes b) Charles Edmond Prior; Mark Whyley c) Waldegrave Cooper Battely reciting death of Sophia Pritty, and also of Lucy Johnson on 15 April 1877 by which a) became entitled to £310 14s 4d under will of George Cooper, being 1/11th share of £3417 17s 8d, the proceeds of sale of above mentioned 3% Consols. By Deed of 12 June 1852 she was also entitled to another 1/11th share (total - £621 8s 8d) Charles Edward Prior is desirous of being discharged as trustee now a) appoints c) to be trustee in place of C E Prior also b) at request of a) grant to c) - said messuages etc - said £621 8s 8d to hold subject to said trusts signatures of all receipt witness Benj. Brown,sol., Bedford 24 July 1877 also endorsed with: Appointment of new trustees I) Ellen Maria Downes II) Mark Whyley; Waldegrave Cooper Battely III) Daniel Packard, Hornington, Suffolk, farmer reciting that II) dealt with said sum of £621 8s 8d as follows: £250 was invested on security of transfer of mortgage of 2 October 1877 and made between Benjamin Brown and II) relating to land and 2 messuages at Winton in Southampton : £350 on a mortgage of 18 December 1877 and made between Thomas Sinter and II) relating to land and messuages at Winton : £20 on mortgage of 2 October 1877 and made between William Hilton and II) relating to land at Carlton, Beds : £1 8s 8d was retained by them George Downes died on 7 March 1879 and said lease became void Mark Whyley is desirous of being disharged from said trusteeship Mortgage money has been called in. Said mortgages having been transferred by deeds of even date (total £621 8s 8d) Now I) appoints III) as trustee in place of Mark Whyley Also II) at request of I) grant to III) - said property to hold subject to said mortgage signatures of all receipt witnesses Benj Brown, clerk to Messrs Whyley and Piper, sol, Bedford ,13 November 1879.
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    From: 1869 To: 1879
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