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  • Title
    Memorandum of scheme for Almshouses by Matthew Wilkes. Recites bequest by son in law Jn. Sedgwick of London, brewer, of £20 for the poor of Leighton, and of £20 by Jn's wife Martha, to be disposed of as Matt. should think fit. This brought in £2 a year, which poor received until 20-3-1646/7. Now the poor people in the "alm's houses built by me "are to receive £5.13.4d p/a. from 2 closes at Leck End in occ. Stephen Martin and Hy. Chandler, of which £2 in lieu of money above and rest his own gift. Closes are let at £6.13.4d, of remaining £1; 10/- to pay for a sermon at his funeral, the text to be from 112 Psalm, and 10/- for a dinner to my feoffees on same day. £5.13-4d to be laid out in warm gowns and caps, and they to "accompany my body in them to the ground". If number of poor in alms houses increase so that "they be not more than 16, and they to be aged people and not otherwise" then burial day sermon dinner and clothing issue to be repeated annually. If value of rents increase then outlay on clothing to be increased. If numbers of poor increase so that rents insufficient to clothe them all, then half to be clothed one year and half the next. Executor to have any wood standing on closes above if he take it away within the 12 month. Feoffees: Matt. Mark, Th. Wilkes, Jn. Foster, Rich. Leach, Th. Harburd, Th. Meridell. Inmates of Almshouses as long as health and strength will suffer them do constantly repair to church on Sundays as also on other days when sermons are preached, wherein if they fail it shall be lawful for my said feoffees to take part of my gift from him or her and give it to those who better deserve it. Now if any man shall take from the use aforesaid, and employ it to his own use, let the justice of Almighty God fall upon him till he restore it again or to its own right use.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1881 To: 1881
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