• Reference
  • Title
    Release (lease missing).i) Thos. Frank, clk., Rector of Cranfield and Archdeacon of Beds. Pet. Edwards, senr., Cranfield, yeom. Rich. Partridge, Cranfield, gent. Wm. Field, Cranfield, yeom. Pet. Edwards, jnr., Cranfield, yeom. ii) Wm. Coleman, Cranfield, gent. Chas. Dymoke, Cranfield, gent. Jos. Field, Cranfield, gent. Jn. Field, s. and heir app. of sd. Jos. Thos. Partridge, Cranfield, yeom. iii) Rich. Hartwell, Cranfield, yeom. Hen. Wheeler, Cranfield, yeom. Thos. Wheeler, Cranfield, yeom. Soon after the purchase of the prop. some differences arose bet. i) 'touching the choosing of five new Trustees'. X496/3 was only executed by Thos. Frank and Rich. Partridge and X496/4 by Pet. Edwards snr., Wm. Field and Pet. Edwards, jnr. Now to settle the differences, it is agreed that premises shall be conveyed to iii) to use of Thos. Frank, Pet. Edwards, snr., Rich. Partridge, Wm. Field, Pet. Edwards, jnr., Wm. Coleman, Thos. Partridge, Rich. Hartwell, Hen. Wheeler and Thos. Wheeler, as trustees - prop, as above, conveyed Remainder of money bequeathed is in hands of Thos. Frank and will be used to purchase land 'as soon as convenient purchase can be made'. In meantime will pay interest Sigs.i) and ii) except Chas. Dymoke Endorsed wits. Wm. Cawne Chas. Cawne Jn. Coral (mark) Wm. Menerd
  • Date free text
    28 Jan 1724
  • Production date
    From: 1724 To: 1724
  • Level of description