• Reference
  • Title
    Male. Merchant navy Third Officer, British Petroleum. Trustee, Marston Vale Trust b. 26.08.1945. SIDE A (00 mins)Family history. Details of grandparents and early life in Norwich Journeys to Dover to stay with grandparents. (05 mins)More details of parents and grandparents. Holidays with grandparents in Dover. Details of grandparent's marriage and life in India.. (15 mins)Childhood and schooling in Norwich. Talking of the fishing fleet coming down toYarmouth . (20 mins)More of the fishing fleets and workers coming down from Scotland to deal with the fish. Details of schooldays in Norwich. Discipline at school. (25 mins)Discipline at home. Joining British Petroleum and starting his apprenticeship at sea. (30 mins)More of his life in the Navy. Details of the life on board and his travels round the world. (32 mins)End of Side A SIDE B (00 mins)More about his life as an apprentice with British petroleum. Difference between crews. Liking to be with Indian crews. (05 mins)Leaving the Navy. His parents moving to Bromham. Joining Cosmic Crayon. Breaking contract with British Petroleum. Adjusting to civilian life. First impressions of Bedford. (10 mins)More about adjusting to life as a civilian Joining a rugby club. Making new friends. Changes of industry in Bedford. Life in Bedford. (15 mins)Changes in Marston Vale. Appreciation of female Italian workers. How they have adjusted to life in Bedford. Changes in the countryside since Hanson took over. His involvement with Marston Vale. (20 mins)How he sees the future of Marston Vale. How to attract tourists. What Bedford has to offer. The vision that Marston Vale could be. (25 mins)Finishing off and thanking him. (26 mins)End of Side B END OF INTERVIEW. Original Interview 60 mins
  • Date free text
    26 March 2002
  • Production date
    From: 1940 To: 2002
  • Level of description