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    Male brickworks office worker & Secretary of the Sports & Social Club b. 28.08.1918 SIDE A (00 mins)Family background. (5 mins)Mother - apprentice teacher in London in 1890s (10 mins)Youngest but one of 8 children, living in Bletchley (15 mins)Father - railway engine driver (20 mins)Brothers studied & got good jobs; sister went into domestic service (25 mins)Children helping clean house. Pre-school & after-school part-time work as paper boy and shop assistant. First job after school as office boy at Bletchley brickworks (30 mins)Banana-ripening shed at Bletchley. Daily queues of unemployed at Stewartby brickworks seeking casual labour (32 mins)END OF SIDE A SIDE B (00 mins)6 years wartime service in Royal Army Medical Corps. (15 mins)Post-war labour shortage in brickworks: workers sought from Glasgow, Polish armed forces, European Voluntary Workers, Italians, Indians & Pakistanis (20 mins)Stewartby Social and Sports Association - 2000 employee members; 10 different sports sections; Christmas activities; 600 children at parties; 220 at Whist Drives; Social & Sports Council covering surrounding areas (25 mins)Living in a company house in Stewartby. The contribution of the Stewart family and London Brick Company to the inhabitants of Marston Valley. Noxious smells from landfill tips. (30 mins)Annoyance at change of name from Stewartby School to Marston Valley Middle School (32 mins)END OF SIDE B(End of interview) Original interview 60 mins
  • Date free text
    4 July 2001
  • Production date
    From: 1920 To: 2001
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