• Reference
  • Title
    Settlement 1) Hugh Northfeild, Keysoe, yeo. and w. Eliz 2) Jn Bullock, Stonley, Kimbolton, Hunts., grocer James Gore, Perry, Gt Staughton, Hunts., labr SETTLEMENT on Eliz Northfeild being Conveyance (L & R) by (1) to (2) to uses of ... mess or tent in Endship of Keysoe called Keysow Row ... close of pasture called Home Close adj. mess. ... pightle with appurts. lying nr Gynnetts Lane upon which is a house lately built ... 5 acres arable and ley in common fields of Keysoe ....... 2 acres in March Feild abtg on the Home Close S, land of Thos Henson E, W and N, abtg on Neither Croft Hill with a double hedge at the bottom .......2 acres lying in a field called Popwell Feild between land of Thos Hall E and land of Henry Day W abtg on land of the Earl of Bullingbrook S and upon Broadmeade Lane N .......1a more in Row Feild in a furlong called Ash Gap Furlong abtg on Long Lane N and on Mr. Scrivens land and meadow S and W and on the Town Lane of Pertenhall E ... acre every years meadow in Popwell Meadow in Keysoe ... 2 acres arable lying dividedly in a common field called Row Stocking in Keysoe .......two selions lying tog. cont. la bet. land of Thos Peacock W, and land in occ. of Walter Robinson E, abtg N on Row Street and S on a pasture of the Earl of Bullingbrook .......two selions and a gore cont. by est. one acre lying in the same field bet. land in the occ. of Walter Robinson on both sides E and W and abtg N and S as the last to the use of (1) for their joint lives and the life of the survivor, then to the use of Joseph Northfeild one of the sons of Hugh and Elizabeth and his heirs, in default to the useof John Northfield eldest son of Hugh Northfield and his heirs, in default to the use of the right heirs of Hugh Northfield. covenant to make further assurances on title sgd by Jn Bullock with mark of James Gore witn Rich Gisbey scrivener and Ste Scarbrow
  • Date free text
    22-23 Oct 1689
  • Production date
    From: 1689 To: 1689
  • Level of description