"The Terror of all the messuages landes and tenementes of Michaell Daldorne of Lymburie…yeoman the sonne of Robert Daldorne late of Lymburie yeoman deceased…made…1608"
- one capital messuage with a dovecote and two orchards;
- Grasse Close of 2 acres;
- Tyle Yard Close of 2 acres;
- Admondes Close of 2 acres;
- tenement where John Collyn lives with orchard, close and yard of 2 acres;
- tenement where John Wratton lives;
- the smythe's forge and Townes End Wicke Close of 1 acre;
- the site of the Manor of Hawle Yard of 8 acres;
- Pooppattes Close of 2 acres;
- Waterslade Close of 3.5 acres;
- half an acre abutting into Greene Land between land of Ralph Alwaye gentleman N and land of Richard Wood S;
- 1 acre called the Sande Pitte abutting into Connyeclaper Lane land of John Wingatt gentleman S and of Widow Crawley N;
- The Pen Close in Wellwede abutting into Pen Waie land of Sir Ralph Connysbey W and of Edward Ivorey E - two acres;
- The Pen Close in West Field abutting into Pen Waie Sir Ralph Conysbey W and Michaell Daldorne E - two acres;
- further open field land
Date free text
Production date
From: 1608 To: 1608
Level of description