• Reference
  • Title
    Lease by John, Abbot of Ramsey and the convent there, to William Master of Graynhurst, of the site of the Manor of Graynhurst with lands there, viz: 18 acres and 40 acres in the town and fields called ,'The Shryve lond', for a term of 93 years at a yearly rent of 8. 5sh. 4d. the said Abbott etc. to find timber to repair the said manor, the lessee to cut, hew, saw and carry the same and to do other repairs as 'Tyle, Tylyng, Reede, Thack and Thackyng, as Splentes, Splentyng and dawbyng' etc. Dated, 20 Oct. 30 Hen. VIII (1538) Paper copy.
  • Date free text
    20 Oct 1538
  • Production date
    From: 1538 To: 1538
  • Level of description