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    Edward Harris Strange to Mary Ellen Strange late April 1868 Leominster 4 Mo 68 My dear Mary Ellen I seem to have so many letters of thine to reply to that I hardly know where or how to begin. I do not know whether Theodore wrote to thee from Liverpool, but if he did not I may be able to furnish thee with some information respecting him.- Thou knows that he had arranged to go out in the "Hibernia" which was at Liverpool on 5th day the 16th inst. T. went to Liverpool in time to embark in her, but found on his arrival that there was no room in the Ship, and he had not secured his berth by paying a deposit he had no alternative but to wait & go by the next ship - which would leave the following week.- He then engaged his passage in the "Moravian" and came to Leominster to wait till she Started - he left me last third day, and he wrote me the following day to say he had procured the thing he wanted, & that the "Moravian" would weigh Anchor at 9 o'clock on 5th day morning - passing round the North of Ireland calling at Londonderry - he is therefore probably half way across the broad Atlantic ere this.- He has grown taller since he has been at Ipswich measuring now over 6 feet but he is not looking so well as when we were at Stretton two years ago. He has a sun burnt, Brave appearance, with a thin straggling - untrimmed moustache and beard which would give one an idea that he had come off a long sea voyage. I hope he will get on satisfactorily when he gets to Canada & there is a better prospect for him there than in the U.States - he goes out under favourable circumstances in one respect, having several letters of introduction to persons out there - he has been most kindly treated. W.D. & E.Sims amongst other things they have help him to, is a nice handsome new silver watch - thou must not trouble thyself about money matters as regards me, as I have ample to carry me on till next quarter day - Thy graphic description of the review reached me today and is amusing enough and interesting too, but I cannot but think it was a queer place for a party of "Quakers" to be found. This has been a very stirring day for this ancient boro', and somewhat exciting to myself - first the report of the doings in Phoenix park secondly a very grand wedding of a young lady living a few doors below us, in Broad St. to a Gentleman from Malvern - then at one o'clock the London papers brought the sad news of an attempt to assassinate the Duke of Edinburgh, & of the battle with & the death of the Abbysinian King - & crown all we have had an Election today at Town Hall, one of the Members returned in 1865 having vacated his seat and a "Lord Mahon" has been this day elected in his place - several members of the house of Commons have recently been made peers which is the cause of the Election to day. My candle is burnt out & fire also so must say farewell for the present time With dear love Thy affectionate Father Edward H.Strange (Please let Annie have this when thou write to her next) [23.6.1869] death of Edward Harris Strange d. Leominster, Herefordshire, 23.6.1869, age 66 b. Shobden, Herefordshire, 21.9.1804 m. Ampthill, Bedfordshire, 1.4.1834
  • Date free text
    late April 1868
  • Production date
    From: 1868 To: 1868
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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