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    Ben.Tatham to Edward Harris Strange 20 July 1844 New York 7th mo 20th 1844 My dear friend E.H.S. After so recent a communication to Ampthill as the last steamer thou wilt hardly look for my hand writing again so soon. I write for information on the article of vinegar.- I find that the act of Parliament has passed reducing the duty on vinegar from 18.18 to 4.4 per tun of 252 Imperial Gallons - this is equal to 4d per gallon - as its present duty.- The cost of making Vinegar in this country is much less I believe than in England and I shall feel particularly obliged by any information thou can' give me in relation to the quality of the article required for general consumption and also the lowest wholesale price of its respective qualities at which it now sells. If I remember correctly we used to keep several qualities when I was at Ampthill and used to sell it at - I am afraid to say what - But I cannot help thinking its wholesale price at the present time allows sufficient margin for profitable shipment to England - As manufacturers of another article in which we use very large quantities of Vinegar, we manufacture the vinegar for our own consumption; and hence I am well acquainted with the cost of the article. We make & use it perfectly colourless - It is equal to any "white wine vinegar" I believe (although I may be mistaken) but it can of course be coloured to suit the fancy - We make it from a vegetable production; and no sulphuric acid or other deleterious article or thing of any kind is used. I shall be glad to hear from thee at thy earliest convenience any information thou canst give upon the subject - The Great Western leaves us tomorrow and I suppose will reach Liverpool in about 13 Days - she is advertised to sail again I think on the 20th of next Mo.- The Hibernia or one of the Government steamers for Halifax & Boston leaves Liverpool on the 19th of 8th Mo. I have not been able to hear anything of the young man thou spoke of when I was at Ampthill - His name is not in the Directory that I can find - therefore he may be carrying on business under an assumed name - I yesterday received a letter in 121/2 days from Liverpool & Boston from my cousin Mary Ann in which I find a message of love from Ampthill - a message at all times acceptable, and never received without stirring up pleasing recollections of bygone days - Be assured it is cordially reciprocated, and flows as steadily as the stream of time. I intend to send this to Liverpool by a friend - so that I shall be able to avail myself of the penny postage, which, without some such contrivance, does not benefit John Bull's friends "beyond sea" - nor in fact his own children when addressed by anyone in a foreign or distant country. Business generally in this country is good and in a healthy state - save & except some very bad business that has been going on in Philadelphia - But I hope this has ended properly and will result in the public benefit - the proper administration of the laws in future. The crops of the country are represented as very good (most of the harvest is safely housed, and the country generally has every cause to feel thankful for a state of great prosperity) With much love to you all believe me as ever thy sincere friend Benjamin Tatham Jn. Penny red on letter Edward H.Strange Postmarks : 466 LIVERPOOL Seal B.T Ampthill AU 4 Bedfordshire. 1844
  • Date free text
    20 July 1844
  • Production date
    From: 1844 To: 1844
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    No. of pieces: 1
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