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    Ann May to Priscilla Strange 21 May 1842 Tottenham 7th Day 21st/42 My dearest P. I was very glad to hear from thee as my thoughts naturally turn toward thee & thine at their leisure of which however they have had very little between Church affairs & those of our dear Francis which are in a most unsettled & embarrass'd state as thou wilt believe when I say that by W.Bryant's peculiar way of taking stock - striking off all the debts as bad and so on - a loss of 700 was made to appear instead of a gain, which comes like an electric shock to us all, as F. had depended on a different shewing which might enable him to pay off some of his borrowed money - he & Jane & some of us are in utmost consternation - but we dare not tell thy father the worst so much depends on keeping the matter quiet until after Y.M. & we fear the shock to his constitution - indeed it grieves me to introduce you into our troubles but they cannot long be concealed as they must break up the Peckham establishment - part with the teacher & at least the young servant, who would have done for thee - with this prospect it has been some comfort that dear Jane was able to attend both meetings yesterday, with two of the girls, as was the case, also on 4th. Both times I joined them with Francis & others at W.Holmes' lodgings, where Sarah Marriage has joined her mother but altho' able to attend meetings is thin & weakly - Yesterday I was to meet Charles Edward & W.H. there, Francis having referr'd his case to them but to my great mortification instead of C. being at D.House meeting with us he was gone (I believe) into Kent meeting railway contractors. He has undertaken to open the matter quietly to William Bryant - who seems to observe a profound silence but some time next week is looked to for this, which keeps us on the stretch. What I want is for C. to help them in putting things in a train to be worked at less expense if he can, but gain W.B.'s confidence. Poor F. as well as C. being represented, they are closely occupied with Committees &c. the former looks dismally & went home unwell last evening early. With such a load of anxiety I think it more than might be expected than any of us can profit by attending Y.M. or hold up our heads in it, but now I must explain the cause of this my first leisure - it seemed unnecessary for me to go to town today as there was only a sitting of the large committee at eleven. E.& C. are gone alone for the first time thy F. breakfasted at the Bayes' & went early - he bears up pretty well now - It will seem to thee that Church business is secondary with me yet under all I have attended regularly & been helped at intervals to Cast my burden upon the Lord who has sustained me granting a humble trust that however afflicted & cast down we shall not be quite forsaken. Thy F. has doubtless said that Maria Fox is our Clerk, Esther Secm & Eliza D.Hack assistants with the benefit of A.Lucas's experience. Anna A.Jenkins has been much drawn forth in the ministry, which is evidently "not of man nor by men" - deep & sound her voice & clear & rather loud - middle sized & age all humility yet possessing immense wealth being only daughter & granddaughter of the rich her lodgings at W.Ball's here - Yesterday we had very a full meeting at D.House in the morning E.Fry & J.J.G. spoke largely & there were some other fine testimonies especially from Thomas Pumphrey - in the afternoon we had Anna Braithwaite fully and with great pathos acknowledging her error which had cost her five years of conflict she is now prepared to acknowledge to the fullest extent the paramount authority of immediate revelation she spoke at length & very impressively - as does dear Anna Carrol frequently in the morning. I felt comforted at hearing her husband's voice once more in the morning meeting. But now let me tell thee that thy most welcome letter met me at Bread Street where for the first time I was in company with my sister Arch & four of the Hoopers, their mamma finding provisions, sister Arch a servant, & the lodgings my sister T's [Tuckett's], who leaves home today is probably now on the railway - All this is probably not much of an answer to thine I have yet only seen Charles on 3rd day at D.Brown's when he was going to write to thee I told him thou must take a servant but now as we are in trouble I should like thee just to consider whether health requires the change - if not postpone it for a few weeks or months but Nancy is to come on 2nd day when if I know thy mind we will talk the matter over - My Brother & sister Arch go to Alton after Y.M. thou must not be absent when they come afterwards to Ampthill. Perhaps thou heard that R.& S.Ransome go to Charles's while their house is painting - I have seen such a multitude of old acquaintances ! Nancy Marsh, J.Beck, Stanley Pumphrey & wife, who enquired after you - With my love to my brother & sister - do say that my cousin Hannah Warren of Chelsea asked affectionately after them. Rebecca Phillips was here about 6 weeks ago & went to the west end, I will try to find her out. Christina Whiting is past going to Y.M. Understand my dear that I quite leave to you the decision about Ipswich. Unless thy health requires it, will it not be better to stay until the babe is weaned take Mary Ellen & leave him under my care. Thou couldst not take both without M.Wiltshire to be sure - Thomas Heath of Andover is dangerously ill with disease of the heart - Yesterday I seemed to meet shoals of nephews & nieces Curtis's Hoopers & Crowleys abound.- Emily is doorkeeper also our Caroline sen. Lucy Naish & Eliza sitting with me desire to join me in a message of dear love to thee with mine to dear Edward - tell him I long to cure his tooth ache if not already cured - my love to sweet Mary Ellen tell her aunt Arch longs to see her - M.A.Maddock told me their youngest was quite worth going on purpose to Wandsworth to see - I will endeavour to get the book - my love to all the family - when I know anything worth telling relative to dear F's affairs I intend writing without delay. Thy ever affectionate Mother Penny Red on letter. [Seal : adhesive gold circle, Prince of Wales's feathers] May & Strange Postmarks : TOTTENHAM T AMPTHILL Ampthill MY21 MY 21 MY22 P.S. Beds. 1842 1842 1842
  • Date free text
    21 May 1842
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    From: 1842 To: 1842
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