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    Sarah Holmes to Priscilla May 18 May 1830 Alton 5 Month 18.1830 My dear Priscilla, As there is so good an opportunity for sending a letter by Lewis, I do not like to let it pass without scribbling a few lines, although rather limited for time, being now rather more full of business than common; I was surprised to find that Lewis was so soon to take leave of his friends in this neighbourhood, he called here soon after the letter arrived, and did not look as if it was at all unwelcome news to him; I think Elizabeth will feel parting with him here, fancy he is rather a favourite with them, I have been quite pleased with what little I have seen of him, and I regret his leaving so suddenly prevents our having him here at all previous to his going; his friends at Anstey do not seem to think him strong, the warm weather I believe tries him a good deal. I should think it very likely that the change may be of use to him; Little Henry Headley grows a very nice boy, but how much the poor child is to be pitied, his future prospects seem so clouded the poor little fellow never had and I suppose never will experience a mother's tender care, what a lamentable case, do you know what is become of her? So I suppose neither Aunt or thyself intend being at the Y.M. this year, there are very few friends gone out of our meeting, Uncle & Aunt are gone, but Uncle only intends stopping a few days, & [Aunt to depart] William will be up towards the latter end. Wm Curtis's continual engagements seem to prevent any of their family being there, the wedding is to take place next fifth day week, the plan is for them to go to Basingstoke to be married, and back again to [Anslove] to dine, and then to [ ? ] for Southampton it will make it a very fatiguing day for poor Jane, they are to make their journey alone. there will be such a female party that I should think there will be some difficulty in mustering beaus for all the young women. I understand Emma is expected home on seventh day, I shall be quite pleased to see her back again, we have so little of her company here, C.Crowley is looking very delicate, she is just come out again after having been confined to the house for some months, she is very far from strong, her little girl continues as delicate as ever {but} I think they have now rather more hope of her recovery, though I should not give a baby up whilst there is hope; We have had such nice accounts from Springfield of the dear baby she has been improving ever since she got there, it seems as though the London smoke was quite poisonous to her. Henry & Maria have lately been spending a few days with us, they have both been very unwell and came to recruit a little before the Y.M., we went with them last sixth day to Stoner Hill dost thou recollect spending a day there, when thou wast with us at Alton, we have a most delightful view, I do not think I ever saw one that pleased me better. I had not been till the time I mention since we were there together. I suppose Caroline is not confined yet, nor Sarah Ransome. Aunt has been with her some time now, I shall be truly glad to hear that it is safely over (with both of them). I did not know until I received thy letter that Mary Lucas was going to be married, I suppose Susanna has nothing of the kind in prospect, if thou hast an opportunity I should like my love to be given to her. is it expected that Sarah Wheeler will accept {Paul} Robson. How is Oswald Foster's son Edmund going on now what a source of anxiety he must be to his parents & thee. Dost thou know Mary {Clemes} has a niece at Sarah Self's, she has lately lost all her children 3 in number they were all taken off within a few weeks does it not seem a very affecting case, she lives at York so far from all her relations, she was one of the Barters. Sarah Self has lately had one of her low nervous attacks, but is better again; I think thou art acquainted with the Smiths of Reading, Lydia and Mary are both in very delicate health, hast thou heard of them. Lydia was not expected to continue here long, and Mary was considered to be decidedly consumptive. Charles Reynolds was here not long ago he gave us pretty good news of Lucy they have now one little boy but he has been so ill they thought they should have lost him. I am expecting Mother here directly after Y.M. which is as thou must suppose a delightful prospect it being now over 12 months since I saw her. So I understand there is some probability of your loosing [sic] Jane Morris, has Mary Ann given Charles Crowley a decided negative dost thou suppose ? Maria Gordon is now here and Mary Murdoch is nicely. I must now draw to a conclusion pray excuse this hasty scrawl and do let me hear from thee again soon, I took it quite kindly thy answering my last so promptly, Please to give my love to Aunt as well as our Cousins. William wishes to unite with me in love. with dear love to thyself I remain thy ever affectionate Cousin Sarah Holmes. Priscilla May Obliged by Lewis May Ampthill
  • Date free text
    18 May 1830
  • Production date
    From: 1830 To: 1830
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    No. of pieces: 1
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