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    Catherine Smith (schoolfriend) to Priscilla May 25 Nov 1828 [Bardfield House.11th mo 25 1828] As my dear Cousin Susanna Burgess is likely to go to Hitchin tomorrow I thought it {most pleasant} to my feelings to put a few words on paper for thy perusal as it does not seem likely at present for us to have the enjoyment of the pleasure of each other's society. This I do believe we shall highly prize whenever that time arrives as a little interesting of conversation is delightful; yet it is pleasant even to converse in this way and we may sometimes gather from each other's communications something a little instructive & edifying; I {wish} thou reads from mine that I being such a very poor thing in every respect I fear the attempt would be useless - thou wilt I am afraid think I am filling my paper with apologies - We have been quite pleased with dear cos. S.B. company. I do not know whether you were at school together or not, she is Joshua's sister; she has been spending near two months in this part I now understand thy dear Mother has been spending a short time with our friend A.Ransome which must have been both comforting and charming to her, I have heard sufficient of thy dear Mother to make me much wish to see & be acquainted with her - The Bridal company seem now to be quietly settled at home again. I do hope sometime to find myself at Ampthill for a few hours but when this pleasing anticipation will be realized I cannot tell; but my dear P. we can not look forward to the future and it is better we cannot.- The new year is now fast approaching; I much wish for us both that as time goes we may also advancing in the way which { } and that now in early life we may follow our Divine Master....[ &c &c ]..and follow in simplicity our meek & holy Redeemer. Is it likely thou wilt be at the next Yearly Meeting I hope I shall and how pleasant it would be if we could spend a good deal of our time together though they are bustling times for much private discussion. I suppose our dear coz. Thomas Burgess will not be married before the spring. H.M.Cook appears from accounts to be a mobile young woman - hast thou heard of another of our schoolfellows M.P.Thompson being likely in course of time to be united to a young man (Coventry) from Tottenham I believe originally but who has for some time resided at Liverpool.- We have lately had the company of our coz. {Pain} from Liverpool to spend a little time with us. I do not know whether thou wast at school with Mary ? it was her Mother & her sisters they appear delightful girls- their cousin Eliza who we were at school with has been alarming ill of a fever caught at the general Meeting at Ackworth how very alarming it was to Mary. I think thou art not acquainted with Sarah Grubb's family, I am become quite intimate with her youngest daughter she is a nice lively girl I should like thee to be acquainted with her I hope thou wilt write me a long letter as far as thou canst I think thou wilt think I have written thee a fine one. in other respects I do not know what thou wilt think of it at any rate it will show thee that I continue to love thee and feel as much as ever interest in thy welfare. I have not much more to tell thee but with the feelings of near & tender interest I remain thy truly interested friend Catharine Smith. [Seal : C.S.] Samuel May P.May Ampthill
  • Date free text
    25 Nov 1828
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    From: 1828 To: 1828
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