Susanna Corder to Priscilla May 26 June 1826
Stoke N. School 6/26 - 1826
My dear Priscilla
I have wished and anxiously waited for some remission of engagements that might allow of my sending thee an assurance of my continued near affection and interest respecting thee. I am glad tho' still rather disadvantageously circumstanced to devote an hour to conversing with thee - with respect to association I am quiet enough - as all the dear girls have left me and I have allowed two of the servants to go into the country - but I am in the midst of noise and confusion - I have the carpenter at work within a few yards of me three bricklayers & four painters - I hope the house will be very comfortable soon - The front of it is going to made a different colour, a light stone - the staircase a French grey - I have been glad to hear of thy being favoured with health since thy return home and that thy Parents have been so too - Tho' I have given but little proof of it thou hast often been remembered by me, and I recur with sincere pleasure to the time when I enjoyed thy company here, and feel a hope that our little sojourn here together was not unproductive of improvement tho' of myself I can say that my progress in anything good is so small & so slow as scarcely to be at all perceived - with thee I trust it is otherwise - my heart tenderly desires thy preservation - this best of blessings I feel assured will be thine if thou art concerned humbly to seek it by often retiring inward to the Fountain of life & peace - unless we feel frequent access to this only source of true happiness even the best enjoyments of time are to the awakened mind vapid, & leave an emptiness which nothing terrestrial can fill.
Dear William Allen commissioned me to give his dear love to thee & to enclose for thy acceptance a pair of scissors for a little memento of him - I breakfasted with him today, I also send thee a copy of his concluding address.-
I must leave my scribble for the present as the noise distracts my recollection - hope to resume it another time.
7/1 - Since scribbling the foregoing I have been so engrossed in cares and business that it seemed impossible to proceed with my scribble - I have got to the end of a harassing week during which my house has presented an appearance scarcely to be conceived - William Allen calling in a few evenings since exclaimed "poor thing I pity thee, but never mind it is preparatory to a better order of things" - The smell of the paint became so intolerable that after spending several nights on a sofa in the drawing room I am now under the necessity of lodging at William Allen's -
Our anxieties are strongly excited on account of dear Isabella Harris - but I feel a hope she will be spared to her sweet little family - She suffers much from the heat but is otherwise as well as we could expect. I hope thy dear Parents enjoy good health - and that thou wilt ere long allow me to receive from thyself a report of thyself in everything that thou mayst incline to communicate. I feel very solitary often-times here alone & my tenderest emotions are frequently excited when remembering many of my dear young friends now distantly separated from me, perhaps for ever - but I feel & hope that, whether it be our lot to meet again here below or not, we may all unite before the throne, when the conflicts & temptations of this mutable scene are closed for ever.
I anticipate with pleasure seeing thee here - I hope ere long - thou wilt be very gladly welcomed at any time by thy truly affectionate friend
E.Armstrong spent a night here during the Y.M. & seemed pleased -
Priscilla May.
Date free text
26 June 1826
Production date
From: 1826 To: 1826
No. of pieces: 1
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