• Reference
  • Title
    Extracts of admissions to property held of the Manor of Woburn Abbotts 1722-1895;
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1722 To: 1888
  • Scope and Content
    - extracted by Wing & DuCane, solicitors of Grays Inn [London] presumably from the Court Rolls of the Woburn Abbotts Manor for which they were joint stewards. Note: Each page relates to a different copyhold property held of the Manor of Woburn Abbotts, the extractors provide the following information: - name of person/s admitted to the property; - date when person was admitted; - term of admission [normally 21 years]; - entry fine; - annual rent; - if/when property was divided by moiety; - if/when property was merged with another; - what happened to the property and tenure, for example: sold or surrendered to the Duke of Bedford, enfranchised or exchanged; - questions concerning title to the property. Descriptions of the property are rarely given, when they are, they are passing references such as: ‘There were 2 cottages on this property w[hi]ch were pulled down & a messuage erected – for subsequent dealings see 66’ [p.14] or ‘These were cottages built on a part of the yard of the White Horse see 69’ [p.120]. This volume should be used as an index to the Court Rolls and Woburn deeds, which will provide further descriptions of the property. If the property was finally surrendered or sold to the Duke of Bedford, it is likely that the deed bundle including extracts and copies of the court rolls have survived in the Duke of Bedford Archive under reference R6/63. Names [page] Adams, Elizabeth Goodman [18,109] Adams, John [13,80] Archbold, Thomas [67] Ashby, Henry [102,118,119,121] Attwood, William [74] Austin, Robert [25] Austin, Samuel [13] Bainbridge, George [1] Baker, George Williams [84] Barlow, Henry [32] Barnard, Thomas [64] Barrett, Elizabeth [31] Barrett, John [31] Barrett, Richard [31] Batley, John [38] Baylis, Martha [102] Baylis, Mary [102] Baylis, Nathaniel [102] Berry, Thomas [66] Bevan, Mary [91] Bevan, Robert [91] Bird, Henry [30] Bird, Mary [30] Bodinson, William [1,13,62] Booth, Elizabeth [56] Booth, Thomas [44,54] Bosworth, Ann [7] Bosworth, Elizabeth [7] Bosworth, George [7] Bosworth, John [15,54] Botsford, Ann [51] Botsford, John [18,109,110] Bowler, Francis [45] Bowler, John [31,35,45,46] Bowler, Sarah [31,45,46] Brewer, Charlotte [110] Brewer, William [110] Brewin, Mary [34,91] Brewin, Robert [34,91] Brookes, Richard [78] Broughton, Henry [13,50,77] Brunt, John [26] Bull, Susannah [102] Bull, William [52] Burbage, Joyce [30] Burbage, Thomas [30] Burbridge, Thomas [3] Bury, William Fleetwood [93,94] Butcher, Susan [9,10,92] Butler, Elizabeth [120] Butler, Jonathan [8] Butler, Thomas [8,69] Capp, John [97] Carey, George [1,62,73] Carey, Robert [52,85] Circuitt, Ann [52,88,89,96] Circuitt, Elizabeth [96] Circuitt, George John [86,90,93,94] Circuitt, John [86,88,96] Circuitt, Joseph [80,86,90,93,94] Circuitt, Mary [52,88,89,90,93,94,96] Circuitt, Richard [13,88,90] Circuitt, Sarah [3] Clark, Elizabeth [50] Clark[e], Henry [91] Clarke, Mary [102] Clayton, Fanny [7] Cobb, Elizabeth [81,83,84] Cobb, Montague William [80,83,84] Cobb, William [7,81] Coles, Benedict [60] Coles, Elizabeth [60] Coling, Charles [108] Cooke, Elizabeth [80,81] Cooke, George [56] Cooke, Joseph [49] Cooke, Thomas [80] Crick, John [74] Crick, William [74] Crofts, William [74] Cuthbert, Dixie [91] Davis, Samuel [14,57,87] Davison, William [86] Dennis, John [31,45,46,47] Devey, Charles Thomas Spencer [84] Devey, John Spencer [66,84] Dolton, Elizabeth [75] Dolton, Sarah [110] Dolton, William [6,75,110] Dover, Ann [93,94,111,117] Drake, John [1,62] Eden, Jane [50] Edmunds, Ann [52] Edmunds, Elizabeth [52,102] Edmunds, John [85] Edmunds, Sarah [98] Edmunds, Thomas [41,52] Edmunds, William [102] Elphick, Edward [28] Elphick, Maria [28] Emmerson, Mary [66] Farey [Feary], John [13,15,52,54,78,80,85] Farey, Mary [78] Farey, William [15,54] Fawlkner, Mary [26] Fearnley, Caroline [86] Fearnley, Elizabeth [86] Fearnley, Susannah [86] Filkes, Richard [1,35a,59,62,73,75] Folkes, Joseph [108] Fountain, Soloman [8] Fowler, Thomas [57] Franks, James [35] Franks, Sarah [35] Freeman, John [1,62] Freeman, Sarah [1,62] Freeman, Sukey [84] Freeman, William [63] Freeman, William Edward Rogers [32,63] Friend, James Walter [15,54,76,125] Fry, Elizabeth [7] Furness, Richard [34] Gale Edward [1] Gale, Eve [14] Gale, Mary [14,87] Gale, Sarah Caroline [120] Gale, Thomas [14,29,66,87] Gardner, Andrew [73] Gazeley, Mary [78,79] Goodman, William [26] Green, Edmund [1,51,60,62,73] Green, Elizabeth [1,62,73,100] Green, John [7,66,74,115] Green, Susannah [91] Green, Thomas [115] Green, Thomas Abbott [52] Gregory, John [94] Grey, John [76] Griffin, Elizabeth [36,56,70] Griffin, Nathaniel [36] Gunnell, Henry [106] Hall, Ann [112,116] Hall, Charles P. [19] Hall, George [29,112,116] Hall, Mary [112,116] Hannell [Hanwell], Edward [80,82] Hannell [Hanwell], John [83] Hawkes, Stephen [57] Hedges, Susanna [94] Hedges, William [94] Hensman, William [93,95] Hipwell, Samuel [108] Hipwell, William [108] Higgins, Cecil Charles Norman Colburne [64] Higgins, Lawrence Read Colburne [64] House, Charles [110] Huggins, Catherine [61,64] Huggins, Charles [60,61,64] Huggins, Edmund [61,64] Huggins, Elizabeth [61,64] Huggins, Francis [61,64] Huggins, George [61,64,65] Huggins, Mary [61,64] Hurley, Joseph [66] Hurley, Maria [66] Hurley, William [66] Ince, Elizabeth [97] Ince, John [97] Ingle, Elizabeth [45] Ingle, William [45] Iredale, John [71] Iredale, Thomas [56,59,70,71] Iredale, Woodell [71] Ireland, John [35a,57] Jones, Edward [78] Kemp, Emma [90] Kemp, George [90] King, George [110] King, John [110] Land, Ann [65] Land, Charlotte [15,54,76] Land, Henry [15,54,76] Land, John [15,16,55,65,76,125] Land, William John [65] Latham, Henry [81,83,84] Lucas, Mary Ann [53] Lucas, Thomas [7] Lydden, George [15,54,76,125] Macan, Turner Arthur [64] Mackfarland, Patrick [77] Mackfarland, Sarah [77] Mapley, Henry [81,83,84] Mapley, Mary [81,83,84] Martin, Eva [40] Martin, Eve [14,87] Martin, Mary [14,26,49] Martin, Robert [26] Mellor, Ann Elizabeth [83] Mellor, Charles [26,79] Mellor, George [26,78,79,83,108,120,123] Mellor, Sarah Caroline [83,108] Millard, Edmund [18] Millard, Edward [17,18,81,109] Millard, Elizabeth Goodman [18,109] Millard, James [32] Millard, John Swan [32] Millard, Matilda [18,109] Millard, Peter Woods [18,109] Millard, William [32] Millard, William Underwood [32] Moore, Francis [1,5,57,62,67,69] Moore, Mary [61,64] Morris, John [31,102,103,103,118,119,122] Morris, Joseph [102,119] Morris, Sophia [103] Moser, Mary [85] Nash, George Peregrine [6,93,94,110] Norris, Daniel [34] Odell, George [29,115] Odell, John [68] Osborne, Jane [57] Osborne, William [57] Paine, Joseph [68] Palmer, John [29,66] Parker, Thomas [86] Pearson, Rebecca [75] Perrin, Ann [52,98] Perrin, Joseph [52,85] Pickering, Sir Edward [72] Piddington, Elizabeth [78] Piddington, John [78] Pierce, Hannah [37] Porter, Joseph [61,113] Preston, Stephen [80] Prisley, Mary [75] Pursell, John [41,42,43] Pyne, Charles [50] Ray, William [50] Reddall, Ann [15,54,65,76] Reddall, Catherine [15,54,65] Reddall, Richard Ambrose [15,54,65,76,110] Renny, Patrick [52] Richardson, Ann [75] Richardson, Elizabeth [58] Richardson, William [108] Riston, John [26] Riston, Martha [26] Riston, Mary [26] Roberts, John [74] Rock, Arthur [17] Rock, George [75,86] Rock, Henry [5,6,51,52,67,75,86,88,96,107] Rock, Samuel [68] Rock, Sarah [68,75] Rock, Susannah [52,86,107,108] Rock, William [17,75,107,109] Roe, Sarah [43] Rotheram, John [78] Ruttfield, John [7] Savage, Elizabeth [42,48] Savage, Virtu[r]e [27,42,48] Scarborough, Elizabeth [105] Scarborough, Hannah [6] Scarborough, John [5,6,105] Scarborough, Martha [5] Scarborough, Robert [6] Shaw, Sarah [89] Shaw, Thomas [57] Sheffard, Abigail [65] Sheffard, Ann [65,76] Sheffard, Catherine [65] Sheffard, Brook [65] Simpson, Thomas [34] Sinfield, Marmaduke [96] Sinfield, Richard [17,30] Sinfield, Ruth [17] Sinfield, Sarah [30] Sinfield, William [17] Skinner, Daniel [57] Skinner, Elizabeth [57] Smith, Ann Elizabeth [108] Smith, Anna [31,47] Smith, John [3,4,32,33,69,80,114] Smith, Martha [3] Smith, Richard [41,42,43,49,87] Smith, Robert [32] Smith, Ruth [12] Smith, Susannah [4] Smith, Thomas [33] Snell, John [38] Stanfield, John [17] Staniford, Esther [19] Staniford, John [19] Staniford, William [19,78,79,124] Staniford, William Henry [19] Stevens, John [80,112] Stratfold, Mary [18,109] Stubbs, Elizabeth [52,98,99] Stubbs, Thomas [98] Swaffield, Samuel [66] Tatham, John [78] Taylor, Catherine [2,35a,52,73] Taylor, Elizabeth [2] Taylor, John [2,73] Taylor, Mary [87] Taylor, Robert [73] Taylor, Simon [35a,38,39,52,72] Taylor, Stephen [8,87] Taylor, William [2,73] Taylor, William Robert [2] Thornton, John [1,62] Timbs, Sarah [11,20,21,22,23,24] Tims, Thomas [112] Townsend, Angelina [58] Turner, Francis [34,73] Turvey, Samuel [57] Tye, Ann [58] Vaux, Thomas [1,62] Warren, Thomas [26,91] West, Henry Rock [66] West, John [45] West, Maria [66] West, William [45] White, Elizabeth [94] White, Richard [4] Wick, John [8] Wick, Susannah [9,10] Wickett, Jane [16,55,125] Wiggins, Mary [34] Williamson, James [26] Willis, Benjamin [13,34,73,80] Willoughby, Joseph [25] Woodford, A.H. [58] Woolhead, Martha [75] Wyche, Ann [93,94] Wyche, Louisa Margaret [94,117] Wyche, Mary [101,111] Wyche, Richard [93,101] Wyche, William [4,9,10] Place [page]: Black Lion [42] Caswells Close, Great [87] Caswells Close, Little [87] Houghton Close [49] Liness Close [59] Nags Head [50] White Horse [5, 69,120]
  • Exent
    125, No. of pieces: 1
  • Archival history
    Deposited by Mr F Tanqueray of Woburn, May 1929
  • Format
  • Level of description