• Reference
  • Title
    Printed poem "The Plough" by Wm. Franklin Reads - "read at the Christmas Dinner, at the Three-Swans Inn, Hungerford, 31st Dec.1856, before a company of gentlemen and yeomen of Berks., Wilts., & Hants., as a response to 'The Liberty of the Press' coupled with the writer's name," (small 8vo, 12 pp., paper cover). "The Berkshire plough, which you use here Was then esteemed in Bedfordshire Tis half a century ago Since first I saw the Berkshire plough... And it was on the Duke's demesne In Bedfordshire that it was seen But now 'twould make a ploughman stare In wonderment to see one there... Now of Duke Francis I would speak But words are powerless and weak... The emphatic farmers' patron Was well succeeded by Duke John The Woburn annual gathering Must ever him to mem'ry bring... (Discusses improvements to farm implements, made by Saunders, Ransome, Williams, Barrett, Exall, Plenty, Chandler) And Batchelor, thy memory will Live in connexion with the drill No letters patent did he take For great improvements in the make The efforts of his genius free To agriculture's cause gave he... If you will grant a moment now I'll speak of England's Champion Plough An enterprising farmer's son The highest honour well has won Some sixteen years at least ago At Bedford's agricultural show That plough then won the highest fame Immortalizing Armstrong's name... And still the palm bedecks that plough Of Armstrong's, made by Howard now." (continues with Armstrong's harrows, and Armstrong's rake). Excuse the time I've taken now And bear with one bred from the plough." Hungerford: printed by & for the author.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1857 To: 1857
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