• Reference
  • Title
    Mortgage [of land in Maulden on which Clophill Methodist Church came to be built [see Z210/144] 1a. Francis Read, Maulden, gardener (mortgagor) 1b. James Crouch, Cainhoe in Clophill parish, yeoman (nominated in trust for 1a) 2. John Horn, Clophill, horsedealer (mortgagee) Mortgage by 1. to the use of 2. in consideration of 300 and 5s paid by 2 to 1b. all those 23 acres, 3 roods and 37 perches of arable land in the common fields of Maulden now occupied by Francis Read and his assigns and other land and premises at Maulden of Francis Read and James Crouch which were conveyed to them by George Brooks of Flitwick by lease and release of 1st and 2nd May [1793] and all hedges, ditches &c to the lands belonging. Rent: one peppercorn the Day of the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel. Provided: that Francis Read pays to John Horn 300 and interest at 4% per annum by 4 October 1793 otherwise it shall be lawful for John Horn and his assigns to occupy the property for the residue of 1000 years. Signed & sealed by the parties: Witnesses: Samuel Davis junior; Thomas Gostelow Endorsed: receipted by Francis Read, by mark, that he received 300 plus interest from John Horn. Witnesses as above. - 29 Jan 1800 Endorsed: I James Lacey, Clophill, one of the executors of John Horn, Bedford, yeoman acknowledge to have had from Francis Read all principal money and interest, and do assign the term of years, together with Edward Horn the other executor, to Francis Read Witness: Samuel Davis
  • Date free text
    4 May 1793
  • Production date
    From: 1793 To: 1800
  • Level of description