Mortgage by demise for 1,000 years
i) Thoswihan Brandreth, Houghton Regis, esq.
ii) Godman Jenkyns, Harpenden, Herts., esq.
Mortgage (demise 1000 yrs) by (i) to (ii) to secure 600
- fee farm rent 41 out of rectory of Houghton Regis
witn. Nehem. Brandreth, attorney at Dunstable; Saml. Cradock scr.
his clerk; Chris. Warren
9 May 1745
Release by Sarah Nicoll, Uxbridge Common, Mddx., widow, only
child and sole executrix of Godman Jenkyns, in order to resolve
all differences bet. self and Thoswihan Brandreth of H.R. esq.
(only son and heir at law of within named Thoswihan Brandreth
decd.) of all interest money, and surrender of remainder of
lease, in consideration of a better security to be given to her.
witn. Robt. Cane clerk, Harlaxton, Lincs., Thos. Parker,
Uxbridge, Mddx., gent
Memorandum that this deed was shown to Chris. Warren at the
time of the examination in Chancery on behalf of Sam. Nicoll esq.
and his wife Sarah, late Sarah Newdigate widow, agst.
Thoswihan Brandreth esq. and others.
Date free text
20 May 1763
Production date
From: 1745 To: 1763
Level of description