• Reference
  • Title
    Gifts from Alan Cirket
  • Admin/biog history
    Alan Cirket was born in Elstow to a local family who had been associated with Elstow and surrounding villages for centuries. Alan was recruited to work for Bedfordshire Record Office in 1936 and was trained as a repairer. In September 1939 he was called up and spent the war years in the army serving in Burma. In later years he was secretary of the Bedford Branch of the Burma Star Association. He returned to the record office when he was demobilised and continued his former work but increasingly he was involved in exhibition work and in the indexing, transcription and publication of the BHRS volume of early wills. By 1969 he had moved over from being repairer to being an archivist. He retired in 1983.
  • Scope and Content
    The collection reflects items that came into Mr Cirket's possession that he thought would be useful to the record office, even if they did not always meet the collection policy criteria introduced in later years. In addition there are family papers relating to Mr Cirket's family history and material connected to his work and interest in local history.
  • System of arrangement
    The items were added to the collection at various times as it suited Alan and further deposits have been made by Alan's son since Alan's death. Due to the way that the collection accumulated no structure was imposed and the order reflects the time of deposit and not the subject matter.
  • Level of description