• Reference
  • Title
    Horne Lane Brewery.The brewery site Conveyance (feoffment): 63. (i) Dor. Cooke of Bedford, sp., devisee of Ben. Wells of Bedford, yeoman. (ii) Robt. Battisson of Bedford, mercht. & alderman. -- a cottage in Bedford in a lane formerly called Calts Lane, otherwise Horne Lane, now Horne Lane; now divided into 2 tenements, occ. Mary Palmer, wid., and late Jacob Mills; abtg. E. on Watery Lane leading to the Ouse; W. on a messuage of Eliz. Battisson, wid., occ. Jas. Brandreth al. King; S. on a close of Robt. Battisson; devised to Dor. Cooke by Ben. Wells by will 1 August 1726. Witn. Fra. Walker, Wm. Theed.
  • Date free text
    16 October 1744
  • Production date
    From: 1744 To: 1744
  • Level of description