W956, W957
Coveyance to levy fine by lease and release: £8200
(i) Richard Richardson of Barnsley Yorkshire, yeoman. & Jonathan West jr.
late of same now of Croydon, Surrey gent. (devises in trust
of Charles. Palmer).
(ii) Rob. Foster of Royston Yks. farmer & Jn. Cawood of Darfield, Yks.
tanner (assignees of estate of sd. J.W. bankrupt.)
(iii) Wm. Cass of Ludgate Hill mercer & wife Ann (late widow of Chas.Palmer)
(iv) Sir Francis Wood of Hemsworth, Yks. bart. (brother & heir. of Henry Wood late of Halifax D.D.).
(v) Sam. Whitbread.
- - Farm in Card., cottages, 36 ac. enclosed land, 163 ac. open land,
occupied - Hickman,
farms occ. Fran. Taylor, Ed. White,
(Thurnsroe Hall, Yks. - capitol, messuage where Chas. Palmer dwelt).
- W122 - 5.
- 16 Aug. 1777 (codicil 1779): Will of Chas. Palmer (£100 annuity to Anne,
to son Chas. £100 annuity during life of m., remainder to daughter Anne.)
- 24 May 1782 : Anne Palmer wid. : Wm. Cass : Jn. Beckett & Rich.
Pickering; Rich. Richardson & Jnthn. West: Deed of settlement before remarriage.
- 28 Oct. 1783 : Bankruptcy of Jn. West.
- 26 May 1789 : Will of Hen. Wood - in favour of brother Sir F.W.
- 26 July 1790 : Sale of Bedfordshire estates in 3 lots. (S.W. bid
£3200, £2600, £2400 - total. £8200)
- W469, 468, 470 (leases).
Wtns. Jonas Clarke, Jn. Crookes, Jn. Pickles, Jn. Allen, B. Pearce.
5, 6 Aug. 1791
Date free text
5 Aug 1791, 6 Aug 1791
Production date
From: 1777 To: 1791
Level of description