Conv. : 116.
(i) Rob. Barnardiston.
(ii) Jn. Cleyton.
- - 5 ac. in Fenlake Meade next r. Ouse S., Edw. Maple E., sometime bel
Rob. Hawes gent. & bequ. by him to R. B. & Geo. Boteler gnt.
(since dcd.) in comm., & conv. (moiety) to Oliver B. br. of G. B.
Excepts : Lease to Jn. Hancocke 5 p.a. (not above 2 yrs. to run) &
Lease attached.
Wtns. Wm. Scott. Will. Foster, Thos. Barnardiston.
21 Apl. 1648
Attached : Bond : & Lease to Wm. Scott for 21 days. (20 Ap. 1648).
Date free text
21 Apr 1648
Production date
From: 1648 To: 1648
Level of description