• Reference
  • Title
    Will of Mary Bell of Bedford wid. (probate) To gr.dau. Mary Bell diamond ring & 10, her m. Mrs. Mary Bell 10, dau. Mary Gostwick 100, gr.sons Jn Throckmorton & Francis Th., money bequs., To daus. Ann Hawkins & Charity Bell: -- Her moiety of mead. in Fenlake occ. d.-in-law Mary Bell, mess. in St. Mary Bedf., charged w. paymt. of 2/ - wkly.) to Agnes Crawley f, life, & 15/ - yrly.) piece of ground in Kempston occ. Jn. Teedon. To Charity Bell her tent bed and least chest of drawers, to Ann Hawkins largest chest, To daus. for life coppers, brewing vessels, household goods, To dau. Eliz. Wiseman gold watch & chain, black shagreen case & seals & 40 and forgives her 100 mortgage, To gr.son Wm. Wiseman 10, gr.dau. Mary Duthoit 10 & silver salver, dau. Mary the other silver salver, dau. Ann silver tumbler, gr. dau. Mary Green 50 lent to her husb. & 10, gr. dau. Ann Hawkins silver coffee pot & lamp at marr. or on m.'s d. & 10, gr.dau. Eliz. Potter 50 loan & 10, To poor of St. Mary Bedf. 5. Residue to Ann Hawkins & Charity Bell - exors. Wtns. Edw. Towersey, Jn. Faldo, Hen. Horton. 5 Feb. 1753 prooved on 19 Jan. 1754"
  • Date free text
    5 Feb 1753
  • Production date
    From: 1753 To: 1754
  • Level of description