- 1Reference: DV2/H4
Title: East of Swineshead & Pertenhall. Based on OS sheet V.5. Our OS reference equivalent OS25" 17
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1925
Production date: From: 1924 To: 1940 - 2Reference: DV2/J4
Title: Wood End & East of Pertenhall. Based on OS sheet V.6. Our OS reference equivalent OS25" 18
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1925
Production date: From: 1924 To: 1940 - 3Reference: RDBP6/64/29B
Title: PERTENHALL: Proposed Improvements to Wood End Farm House at Wood End, Pertenhall for Mr A Bates. Sur...
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: Approval 15 February 1964
Production date: From: 1964 To: 1964