- 1Reference: W749
Title: Final Concord (certified copy). Dorothy Mayes wid., Hen. Gosse & Wm. Steffe quer. Jn. Cage, Jn. ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1696
Production date: From: 1696 To: 1697 - 2Reference: X284/2
Title: Deeds to Land in Tempsford, including some land also in Everton [see also X284/4 and X284/7]
Level of description: series - 3Reference: X284/5
Title: Grant by William Bull of Temmisford [Tempsford] to William Waunce, gentleman, John Berton, Richard M...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 Aug 1482
Production date: From: 1482 To: 1482 - 4Reference: X284/7
Title: Deeds to Tempsford
Level of description: series - 5Reference: X284/10
Title: Deeds to Land Owned to Torold [and variations] Family Solely [see also X284/15/2]
Level of description: series - 6Reference: X284/11
Title: Deeds to Land Owned by Spring [and variations] Family Solely [see also X284/14/1 and X284/14/2]
Level of description: series - 7Reference: X284/12
Title: Deeds to Land Owned by Bryd [and variations] Family
Level of description: series - 8Reference: X284/13
Title: Deeds to Land etc. Owned by Perkin [and variations] Family [see also X284/7/1 and X284/2/10]
Level of description: series - 9Reference: X284/14
Title: Deeds to Land Owned by Hawes [and variations] Family Solely [see also X284/2/9, X284/2/10 and X284/...
Level of description: series - 10Reference: X284/15
Title: Deeds to Land Owned by Fisher [and variations] Family Solely [see also X284/2/9]
Level of description: series