- 1Reference: SDHenlow
Title: Records of Henlow School [Boys, Girls, VC CP. VC CPI, Raynsford VC Lower]
Level of description: fonds - 2Reference: Z263/5
Title: Henlow, boys class. Marked on back 'Rev Mr Warlow' [vicar 1893-1901]
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c 1900
Production date: From: 1900 To: 1900 - 3Reference: Z263/6
Title: Henlow, boys class.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c 1910
Production date: From: 1910 To: 1910 - 4Reference: Z263/7
Title: Henlow, boys class in classroom. The classroom was of the 1826 building and was still in use in 1977...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c 1910
Production date: From: 1910 To: 1910 - 5Reference: P39/28/5
Title: Boys School Clothing Club a/c book 1877-1892; with parish club accounts 1931-5
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1877-1935
Production date: From: 1877 To: 1935