- 1Reference: R6/63/22
Title: Eight cottages formerly five at the Great Yard and numbered 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 [Bedford Street] [...
Level of description: sub-series
Production date: From: 1803 To: 1849 - 2Reference: R6/63/23
Title: Three cottages at the East End of Bedford Street numbered 22, 23 & 24 and two cottages adjoining at ...
Level of description: sub-series
Production date: From: 1741 To: 1845 - 3Reference: R6/63/25
Title: Messuage in the Great Yard numbered 28 [Bedford Street] - see R6/63/25/2 for site plan attached to ...
Level of description: sub-series
Production date: From: 1827 To: 1849 - 4Reference: R6/63/27
Title: Messuage or tenement in the Great Yard numbered 27 [Bedford Street] - see R6/63/27/22 for site plan...
Level of description: sub-series
Production date: From: 1758 To: 1849 - 5Reference: R4/820
Title: "A Statement with respect to some Houses rented by poor persons in Woburn."
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c. Dec 1st 1831
Production date: From: 1826 To: 1836