- 1Reference: B162-163
Title: Conveyance i) Mich. Cooke, H.R., gent. ii) Benj. Toefield, H.R., victualler iii) Jn. Inwards, Til...
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Date Free Text: 14-15 Aug 1815
Production date: From: 1815 To: 1815 - 2Reference: B165-166
Title: Conveyance i) Jn. Inwards, Hockliffe, Tilsworth, victualler and w. Ann ii) Thos. Bourn, Bidwell, H...
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Date Free Text: 11-12 Nov 1833
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Title: Conveyance i) John Dover, Potsgrove, carpenter, only surviving brother and heir at law of Thos. Do...
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Date Free Text: 12-13 Dec 1793
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Title: Schedule of deeds and documentshanded to Hn. C. G. Brandreth esq. 2. Apr. 1881: Freehold premises ...
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Date Free Text: 1793-1881
Production date: From: 1793 To: 1881 - 5Reference: SF86/2/4/3
Title: Pro forma instructions for valuation of damage by hail. Claimant - John Fensome of Thorn Green, Houg...
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Date Free Text: 11 Jul 1922
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Title: Covenant to levy a Fine
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Date Free Text: 18 Nov 1656
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Title: Feoffment; £5: Richard Bucknam of Houghton Regis, yeoman, to George Goringe … 1 dole in Great ...
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Date Free Text: 11 Jun 1658
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Title: Conveyance; £20..10s
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