- 1Reference: Z50/19/9
Title: View from church tower over village; concentrating on part adjoining Great Barford road.
Level of description: item - 2Reference: Z50/19/10
Title: Centre of village: Gt. Barford road and Sandy road junction, taken from Church End.
Level of description: item - 3Reference: Z50/19/11
Title: As Z 50/19/10 but from Sandy road.
Level of description: item - 4Reference: Z50/19/12
Title: Cottage on rt. Barford and Sandy road junction - N. side of Barford road. The home of Mr. B. Sims - ...
Level of description: item - 5Reference: LS760
Title: Appointment of new trustees of the will of John Usher, deceased: i) Edward Thurlow Leeds Smith, Sand...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 7 March 1917
Production date: From: 1917 To: 1917 - 6Reference: HF20/426/7
Title: Conveyance: 1 acre 25 perches freehold and 4 acres 3 perches copyhold land adjoining Great Barford R...
Level of description: file
Date Free Text: 1897
Production date: From: 1897 To: 1897