- 1Reference: X778/34/1
Title: Sketch plan of New Central Premises, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, by L G Ekins, FRIBA, archi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: February 1924
Production date: From: 1924 To: 1924 - 2Reference: X778/34/2
Title: Proposed New Central Premises, Hockliffe Street. Leighton, by L G Ekins, FRIBA, chartered architect,...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 18 December 1926
Production date: From: 1926 To: 1926 - 3Reference: X778/34/3
Title: Block plan of Central Premises Shewing New Building Line, by L G Ekins, FRIBA, architect CWS, 99 Lem...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d. [c1928]
Production date: From: 1928 To: 1928