- 1Reference: L7/18&19
Title: Mortgage, with Lease for 6 months. 800. (i) Harry Cason of London gent., s. and h. of Tho. decd., ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1679
Production date: From: 1679 To: 1679 - 2Reference: L7/20&21
Title: Bargain and Sale. 900. Lease and Release. (i) Hary Cason cit. and grocer of London, s. and h. of Th...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1682
Production date: From: 1682 To: 1682 - 3Reference: L7/25
Title: Acquittance for 800 purchase money by Wm. Hawes cit. and mercht. tailor of London, to Jas. Boteler ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1682
Production date: From: 1682 To: 1682