- 1Reference: GK279/12
Title: Transfer of Mortgages in 800 and 400 1a) Thos Jackson formerly of Gloucester Place in the Kent Roa...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 24 Jun 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 2Reference: GK279/13
Title: Manor of Brickendonbury, Herts Conditional Surrender in 800 and 400 Condit surr by Sam Andrews (mo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 24 June 1840
Production date: From: 1840 To: 1840 - 3Reference: GK279/17
Title: Deed of Covenant to surrender 1) Jn Folliott Powell, heretofore of Hertford, but now of Albion Pla...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 4 Apr 1851
Production date: From: 1851 To: 1851 - 4Reference: GK279/18
Title: Release of Mortgage 1) Fra Richard Powell late of East Hyde, Luton, but now of Hyde Park Square, M...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 Feb 1853
Production date: From: 1853 To: 1853 - 5Reference: GK279/19
Title: Warrant to enter up Satisfaction on Manor Court Rolls of Brickendonbury, Herts issued by F R Powel...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19 Feb 1853
Production date: From: 1853 To: 1853