- 1Reference: AD2527
Title: Bargain and Sale. (i) John Arnolde alias Cowper of Eversholt husbn. (ii) Edm. Pounter cit. and gir...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 10 May 1556
Production date: From: 1556 To: 1556 - 2Reference: AD2528-29
Title: Quitclaim. & Counterpart. John Arnolde alias Cowper of Eversholt, Edm. Pounter of London cit. and gi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 26 May 1556
Production date: From: 1556 To: 1556 - 3Reference: AD2530
Title: Letter of Attorney. Edm. Pounter cit. and girdler of London, bro. Geo. Pounter of Eversholt. To tak...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 20 (sic) Mar 1557
Production date: From: 1557 To: 1557 - 4Reference: AD2532
Title: Bargain and Sale. £100.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 30 May 1560
Production date: From: 1560 To: 1560 - 5Reference: AD2533
Title: Feoffment. £130. Tho. Shipton currier of London, to Cuthb. Ryddell of Eversholt, baker.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 18 Feb 1563
Production date: From: 1563 To: 1563