- 1Reference: FR2/11/2/2
Title: "The Discoverer Discovered; or The Lot Cast, T.C. [Thomas Crisp] Taken and the Babylonish Garment Fo...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1695
Production date: From: 1695 To: 1695 - 2Reference: WW226
Title: Assignment of WW174: Peter Delme, merchant, to John Pennyman, gentleman, both of London ... [as...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1699
Production date: From: 1699 To: 1699 - 3Reference: WW227
Title: Assignment of ?WW226: Edward Gibson of London, draper, to Pennyman
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1702
Production date: From: 1702 To: 1702 - 4Reference: WW228
Title: Assignment of WW182: Pennyman to Robert Viscount Dunbar [and others] [Note endorsement: "By a deed...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1703
Production date: From: 1703 To: 1703