- 1Reference: QSR1880/1/4/6
Title: Recognizances - David Pearson
Level of description: sub-file
Date Free Text: 29 October 1879
Production date: From: 1879 To: 1880 - 2Reference: QSR1880/1/5/6
Title: Depositions - David Pearson
Level of description: sub-file
Date Free Text: 29 October 1879
Production date: From: 1879 To: 1880 - 3Reference: QSR1880/1/5/6/b
Title: Depositions of Charles Hollingworth Hewett, Straw Plait Merchant of George Street in Luton, Frank Ar...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 October 1879
Production date: From: 1879 To: 1880 - 4Reference: QSR1880/1/5/6/a
Title: Details of the the offence and names of witnesses in the case of David Pearson
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 October 1879
Production date: From: 1879 To: 1880 - 5Reference: QSR1880/1/5/6/c
Title: Statement of the accused - David Pearson
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 29 October 1879
Production date: From: 1879 To: 1880 - 6Reference: QSR1880/1/6/6
Title: Indictments - David Pearson
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 25 September 1879
Production date: From: 1879 To: 1880