- 1Reference: ST371a-f
Title: File of attested copies of parish registers, made in 1806
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1735-1806
Production date: From: 1735 To: 1806 - 2Reference: ABM1791/7a
Title: Allegation. William Washington of Abbots Langley, Hertford aged 40 years and Lydia Olney of Barton a...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5th February 1791
Production date: From: 1791 To: 1791 - 3Reference: ABM1791/7b
Title: Bond. William Washington and Lydia Olney, widow of Barton to marry. William Washington of Abbots Lan...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5th February 1791
Production date: From: 1791 To: 1791