- 1Reference: Z1097/11
Title: Certificate of anti-gas training awarded to Mrs Lynham of Thurlow Street, Bedford of the Housewife's...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1 Oct 1942
Production date: From: 1942 To: 1942 - 2Reference: Z1097/12
Title: National registration identity card of Mrs. Dora E. Lynham of 9 Thurlow Street, Bedford.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d [c.1943]
Production date: From: 1943 To: 1943 - 3Reference: Z1097/14
Title: Photograph of two people standing outside a house at Thurlow Street, Bedford.( probably Mr and Mrs. ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: n.d [c.1945-1955]
Production date: From: 1945 To: 1955