- 1Reference: X733/20
Title: Conveyance i) Levi Dudley ii) John Horsler, Bidwell, Houghton Regis, retired grocer Consideration...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 28 October 1896
Production date: From: 1896 To: 1896 - 2Reference: RDLP1/503
Title: Planning application & plan for a brick and slate dwelling house for Mr John R Horsler at Cumberland...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 8 Jul 1909
Production date: From: 1909 To: 1909 - 3Reference: Z591/38
Title: Draft Deed of Gift
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22 Feb 1895
Production date: From: 1861 To: 1895 - 4Reference: Z1362/6/5/1
Title: Abstract of Title of Mr Arthur King to a piece of land situate in Chiltern Road, Upper Houghton Regi...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 22 Feb 1902
Production date: From: 1900 To: 1905