- 1Reference: R6/1/2/3b
Title: Abstract of title of Charles, Lord Bruce, to divers manors etc. of Ampthill, Maulden, Dame Ellensbur...
Level of description: item
Production date: From: 1241 To: 1719 - 2Reference: PM1463
Title: Inquisition post mortem by Robert Phelips, escheator, on estate of Edward Hynde, esquire (died previ...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 5 Oct 1631
Production date: From: 1631 To: 1631 - 3Reference: X478/17
Title: Deed of Covenant to Produce Deeds
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 11 Apr 1833
Production date: From: 1737 To: 1833