- 1Reference: ABCV133/95/32
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens C.H. Elliott and H.M. Hay
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1980
Production date: From: 1980 To: 1980 - 2Reference: ABCV133/95/33
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens C.H. Elliott and H.M. Hay
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1981
Production date: From: 1981 To: 1981 - 3Reference: ABCV133/95/36
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens P. Greenup and H.M. Hay
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1982
Production date: From: 1982 To: 1982 - 4Reference: ABCV133/95/39
Title: Easter visitation. Churchwardens Peter Greenup and H. Malcom Hay
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1984
Production date: From: 1984 To: 1984