- 1Reference: P64/2/1/11
Title: Tenancy agreement 1) Rev. G. Evans Gwynne, Vicar 2) George Gurney of Potton, gardener Lease...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 12 Jan 1892
Production date: From: 1892 To: 1892 - 2Reference: P64/2/1/12
Title: Tenancy agreement 1) Rev. G. Evans Gwynne 2) George Bartle of Potton, builder Lease by 1) t...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 12 May 1894
Production date: From: 1894 To: 1894 - 3Reference: P64/2/1/15
Title: Catalogue of growing crops of corn belonging to the Rev. G.E. Gwynne, "who has let the Vicarage Farm...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1894
Production date: From: 1894 To: 1894