- 1Reference: WA442
Title: Conveyance; £700 John Freeman of Kimbolton, gentleman and wife Lettice James Williamson of Welling...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 Sep 1787
Production date: From: 1787 To: 1787 - 2Reference: WA443
Title: Bond for performance of covenants [regarding conveyance WA442]
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 Sep 1787
Production date: From: 1787 To: 1787 - 3Reference: WA444-445
Title: Fine; £160: Plaintiff: James Williamson, gentleman Defendants: John Freeman and wife Lettice …...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Trinity Term 1787
Production date: From: 1787 To: 1787