- 1Reference: L24/455
Title: 'The answer of Thos. Empson esq. to the bill of complt. of Hen. Grey kt. concerning the manor of To...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1523
Production date: From: 1500 To: 1562 - 2Reference: L24/470
Title: Replication of Sir Hen. Grey to the answer of Thos. Empson conc. the manor of Towcester, Northants.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1530
Production date: From: 1523 To: 1562 - 3Reference: L24/612-613
Title: Undertaking by Ric. Earl of Kent, & w. Eliz., to surrender the manor of Towcester to Sir Jn. Danver...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: c1513
Production date: From: 1503 To: 1523