- 1Reference: UDKP1140
Title: Plan and letter - Steel foot and cycle bridge, Queens Park. Owner - Bedford Borough. Architect - D...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Approved 28 January 1947
Production date: From: 1947 To: 1947 - 2Reference: CDE94/10
Title: Proposed projection room, Malvern Theatre, general arrangement and marking plan of structural steelw...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: April 1939
Production date: From: 1939 To: 1939 - 3Reference: GKL11/4/11
Title: Photograph of soaking pits at Dorman Long & Co.
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: Not dated. c.1950s
Production date: From: 1950 To: 1959