- 1Reference: P50/15/16
Title: Indemnity bond of John Smith, butcher, and William Croxton, both of Great Catworth, Huntingdonshire;...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 1817
Production date: From: 1817 To: 1817 - 2Reference: WG1755-1756
Title: Conveyance (lease and release) (copy): (i) Elizabeth Lady dowager Carysfoot (widow of John), John J...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19,20 Jan 1773
Production date: From: 1773 To: 1773 - 3Reference: ABM1781/64a
Title: Allegation. William Croxton of Puddington, aged 21 years and upwards and Mary Houghton of Harrold, a...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19th November 1781
Production date: From: 1781 To: 1781 - 4Reference: ABM1781/64b
Title: Bond. William Croxton and Mary Houghton to marry. William Croxton of Puddington, shoemaker and Thoma...
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 19th November 1781
Production date: From: 1781 To: 1781 - 5Reference: WA358
Title: Mortgage; £40
Level of description: item
Date Free Text: 15 Oct 1802
Production date: From: 1802 To: 1802